Articles for tag: adhd, attention, brain, diagnosis, disinformation, function, lies, medication, structure, treatment

Schizophrenia and TRS

Schizophrenia is a widely understood and misunderstood mental health condition. Many mental health professionals believe they ‘know’ what schizophrenia is. Ideas ‘about delusions and hallucinations’ just scratch the surface, as will be seen when ICD-11 criteria are explored. While the publisher and author(s) have used their best efforts in preparing information at this website, they ...

Treatment under the Mental Health Act

There are many mental health workers who attitudinally consider ‘treatment’ and related concepts to gravitate around medication. They are wrong. This article will explore the concept of treatment the Mental Health Act 1983 (as amended 2007) for England & Wales. The law and its application are inescapable when treating or caring for people with mental ...

Core list of key standards and knowledge

Standards is a big issue in medical practice. Standards therefore apply in psychiatry as a medical discipline. Psychiatrists are medical doctors; *not psychologists. This article is an aggregate of the key standards the author uses regularly, and visits about once per week. This was originally in a MS Word document. Now it is here for ...


Catatonia is a complex syndrome that affects how a person moves and behaves. It is as if the body and mind get stuck or frozen in unusual ways. People with catatonia might become very still, almost statue-like, or they might repeat the same movements over and over. Sometimes, they have trouble speaking or responding to ...

What is a treatment plan?

Experience over the last 30-odd years has led to an evidence-based view that treatment plans are woefully deficient across health services. The evidence seen is that treatment plans tend to be list medications and dosages. By analogy, that’s similar to saying a journey plan is a drawing of some curvy lines on a map. For ...

To therapy or not – that is the question

Private or NHS therapy can be good or bad and everything in between. In May 2023, among many things I explored ‘What biological treatments are known to psychiatry?‘ I did not focus much of non-chemical therapies. I do so now. While the publisher and author(s) have used their best efforts in preparing information at this ...

Fathoming Section 62 of the MHA 1983

The Mental Health Act 1983 [hereafter MHA] provides many powers to detain patients for treatment in hospital. Many amendments were made in 2007. The legislation is complex – necessarily so – and aims to protect the welfare of patients who are detained and who are within its reach in the community. It is an intricate ...

Paragraph 98 and remote consultations

This blog has considered a number of issues relevant to prescribing of medications. Paragraph 98 is one of the most powerful. It is squarely designed to protect patients. You are responsible for any prescription you sign, including repeat prescriptions for medicines initiated by colleagues, so you must make sure that any repeat prescription you sign ...


The case of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11 is a landmark decision in the UK law of medical negligence, specifically in relation to the duty of a doctor towards a patient in relation to advice about treatment. It fundamentally altered the legal approach to patient consent and disclosure of risks by healthcare ...