Articles for tag: assessment, freedoms, human rights, law, medication, psychiatry, respect, rights, risk, standards, treatment

Beyond Cheshire West: A Triangular Framework for Decision Making

The intersection of mental health law and clinical practice creates complex decision-making challenges for practitioners. A conceptual framework, which we call the Decision-making Triangle, offers clarity in navigating these challenges. This triangle comprises three interconnected elements: the acid test for deprivation of liberty, the definition of treatment under Section 145 of the Mental Health Act, …

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Cheshire West: What’s to be learned?

The Cheshire West case serves as a seminal authority on the interpretation of deprivation of liberty within the framework of the Mental Capacity Act and the European Convention on Human Rights. It has established a robust legal precedent, emphasising the universality of the right to liberty and the necessity of rigorous procedural safeguards to protect …

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Section 136: A Framework in Crisis

From 2017 changes to the MHA 1983 reduced the period of detention under 136 from 72 hours to 24 hours, with a provision to extend to 36 hours. Mental Health Services had struggled to deliver when the timeframe was 72 hours. Now they struggle even more, leading to unquantified instances nationally where Trusts have had …

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A Tale of Two Capacities or is it One?

The differences between the conceptualisation of capacity under the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) in the UK are significant, particularly in their approaches to determining capacity for consent to treatment. The Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) both address issues of capacity …

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Section 62(1): the hard boundary between law and ethics

In a previous post I unpacked some of the key issues in Section 62(1). Appropriate study of this article will necessitate digestion of Fathoming Section 62 of the MHA 1983 – Investigative Psychiatry (April 2024). Understanding of this article depends on having a foundational understanding of Statute Law, what it means and the power of …

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Mental Health Tribunals

This article provides a detailed explanation of Mental Health Tribunals (MHTs) within the context of the Mental Health Act (MHA) 1983 in England and Wales. The MHA 1983 (Amended 2007) provides the legal framework for the compulsory admission to hospital for treatment or assessment of individuals experiencing mental disorders that may pose a risk to …

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The Role and Duties of Expert Witnesses in the UK Legal System

The role of the expert witness is frequently misunderstood. Contrary to certain portrayals in American media, which often depict expert witnesses as partisan advocates, expert witnesses within the UK legal system bear an overriding duty to the court itself. This fundamental distinction is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the function and obligations of expert …

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We Need to do Something about Smoking and Mental Health

This article is brazenly one-sided because it is about an addictive killing substance sold legally. The author is unapologetically anti-smoking because tobacco is the only killing substance sold legally for consumer use. Smoking (of tobacco) is normally seen as a physical health problem. This article will show it is a serious mental health problem as …

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Documentation 2.0

The issue of documentation has been covered from different angles before in: Documentation (June 2023), The Documentation Dilemma (Aug 2024), High level documentation practices (Oct 2024) and Decision-making (Oct 2024). While the publisher and author(s) have used their best efforts in preparing information at this website, they make no representation or warranties with respect to …

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Article 2 in Psychiatry – Savage and beyond

The Right to Life, enshrined in Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), holds profound implications for the care and treatment of individuals within mental health services. Article 2 declares that “Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law.” This publication explores the evolution of legal understanding concerning the positive obligations …

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