Articles for tag: balancing, decision-making, decisions, discussion, ethics, risk, standards


Decision-making in forensic psychiatry

Decision-making in forensic psychiatry is a multifaceted process that goes beyond mere discussion of facts. It involves a deliberate, analytical approach to weighing various factors and arriving at plans, outcomes or conclusions that are congruent with widely accepted standards of practice. Accurate documentation of this process is essential for professional, legal, and ethical reasons, and ...

Low resolution thinking

Low resolution thinking (LRT) is a cognitive mode that oversimplifies complex issues, reducing them to binary, black-and-white terms. It is a way of thinking that fails to appreciate the subtleties and shades of grey that characterise most real-world situations. When engaged in LRT, individuals tend to ignore important complexities and context, instead focusing on a ...


The Focalism Bias

This bias is quite common. Have you ever been in a conversation where you make a thoughtful point, only to have the other person latch onto a single word or phrase and totally miss your intended meaning? This common phenomenon is known as focalism bias, and it can lead to frustrating misunderstandings and derailed discussions. ...

Implications of the Dunning-Kruger effect

Through much experience over the last 30 years, I came to realise two important things: a) at times I made mistakes in exceeding my knowledge and competence b) in recent years I’ve seen others doing the same. The big problem is that one does not have an idea when one is stepping into territory that ...