Articles for tag: bias, business, cognition, complexity, concepts, decision-making

Low resolution thinking

Low resolution thinking (LRT) is a cognitive mode that oversimplifies complex issues, reducing them to binary, black-and-white terms. It is a way of thinking that fails to appreciate the subtleties and shades of grey that characterise most real-world situations. When engaged in LRT, individuals tend to ignore important complexities and context, instead focusing on a …

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The Focalism Bias

This bias is quite common. Have you ever been in a conversation where you make a thoughtful point, only to have the other person latch onto a single word or phrase and totally miss your intended meaning? This common phenomenon is known as focalism bias, and it can lead to frustrating misunderstandings and derailed discussions. …

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Four mechanisms of mind explored

This post will compare four concepts. This post is best viewed on a tablet, laptop, or desktop. Content may appear distorted on mobile phones. The four mechanisms Expand the table to get right into them. This is quite a long post. It is truly a collection of knowledge for future reference. While the publisher and …

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Controversy – the God Complex

This is or will be a controversial exploration. Keep that in mind at all times. I boldly go where no psychiatrist has dared to go before! I give thanks to KJ for stimulating this exploration. What is the God Complex?  The God complex has also been referred to as ‘The God Syndrome’. Here are some …

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The relevance of culture in mental health services

I imagine that most people would begin thinking of the influence of culture on expression of signs and symptoms among mental disorders. However, there are wider areas of importance. What is culture? The concept of ‘culture’ is broad and multifaceted, encompassing a wide range of ideas, practices, and societal norms. The main concepts that comprise …

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